All about Canine Dry Skin and Other Problems Related to Your Pet’s Skin

November 11, 2007

Canine dry skin, skin allergy, fungus and acne have always been known to give not only the dogs but also the dog owners a very hard time. Though in cases where the problem is not very severe, you need not worry much, cases such as severe canine skin allergies need to be given very serious attention.

This is simply owing to the fact that though a bit of skin problem such as hair loss in dogs or severe canine dermatitis may not be looking too troublesome to you; it sure could be a symptom to an ugly disease. Therefore, it is always best to consult a vet in case the canine dry skin problem tends to look suspicious to you in any possible way.

Thankfully, owing to the fast developing technology these days doctors can easily understand your dog’s problem with a few simple tests. These tests could include anything starting form testing of the dog’s skin scrapings to testing the dog’s blood, etc.

The treatment for dog skin care varies greatly, depending not only on the skin problem, but also depending on the breed of your dog, its overall habits, the climatic conditions the dog has been exposed to, etc. For example canine skin problems such as canine dry skin, have been found to be closely related to cold and dry whether conditions.

If due to lack of moisture in the air, your dog starts troubling you with dry skin problems, then you need not worry much. These days there are a number of bathing lotions, shampoos and after bathing treatments available to help your dog.

However, there are other skin problems in dogs that could be more severe than dry skin problems. For example dog skin allergy caused due to bacterial infection or dermatitis is a problem that can affect the entire body of the dog, and cause inflammation and red-skin. The dog might also get extremely itchy and chewy of itself.

Another very troublesome aspect of some of these canine dry skin problems is that they could be infections to you and your family too. Therefore, till you get your pet checked by a doctor to understand your dog’s disease, it is suggested you avoid too much contact with it.

Though problems such as canine acne, (that occurs on the face of the dogs and is quite similar to the acne problems faced by humans) are quite noticeable, sometimes, surprisingly enough it is not very easy to detect even a severe case of some particular infections in dogs. It might take you days in fact to realize that something is wrong with your pet, if it is suffering form a problem like canine nail fungus.

Therefore the bottom-line is you need to keep a close watch on your dog all the time. Bathe it well, and keep checking its skin regularly, by checking its hair. Take it to a vet for regular check ups so that any skin problem may be easily detected.

You never know how your dog may be suffering inside because of problems like canine dry skin that otherwise tend to look so normal to us.


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